Monday, May 11, 2020

Flattening the Curve

The perception of time has slowed since COVID-19 stay-at-home orders took effect in mid-March. Yet, with the arrival of May, spring blossoms have quickly transformed into summer greens. This means only one thing in Portland--roses! It's difficult to look ahead when the world is frozen in time, but the air is buzzing with anticipation of a long, hot summer.


Oregon managed to flatten the pandemic curve with relative ease; my hospital was over-prepared for the initial wave. Currently, Portland is talking about reopening to its "new normal" as restrictions are cautiously relaxed.

The Portland Police Bureau and Fire & Rescue teamed up to thank and boost morale of front-line healthcare workers at local hospitals
Over the past six weeks, my life has seemingly revolved around the pandemic, both at work and through self-study. This obsession inevitably led to burnout. As a result, I have now returned my focus to self-care. For me, this looks like unrolling my yoga mat every morning, daily walks and bike rides, and countless hours in the garden. Equally important is the sense of community and comic relief that I find through connection with family, friends, therapy, and my partner, Tom.