Thursday, January 21, 2021

New Years Edition

At the end of December, my hospital began receiving the long-awaited COVID-19 vaccine. Working first to vaccinate high-risk hospital staff, we subsequently began holding vaccine clinics across town to vaccinate the community. These clinics will continue to run for the next several months as OHSU and other local hospitals work to vaccinate everyone in priority of risk, as directed by the CDC. Currently, two pharmaceutical companies have formulated a two-dose series of the vaccine that has been authorized for emergency use by the FDA. I was hesitant to receive the vaccine so early in the process, but trusted my colleagues who have extensively researched the data. Ultimately, I view the decision as a sacrifice for the cause; a step forward in this health crisis that we have been navigating for the past year. 

Outside of work, I am continuing a variety of therapies to optimize my mental health. "Lost Connections" by Johann Hari has inspired me to reconnect with others and my values through socially distanced hikes, bike rides, and run challenges. On Monday, my friend Diana and I went cross-country skiing at Teacup Lake on Mt. Hood. It was both terrifying and exciting to face one of my greatest fears since my traumatic downhill ski accident almost four years ago. 

As for the future of our country, I am relieved that decency has been restored to the White House, and remain hopeful that new leadership can reunite our society.

This New Years, what if we flipped the focus from self-improvement to self-compassion?