Sunday, February 28, 2021

Our New House

After a grueling house hunt, Tom and I moved into a townhome rental in early February. Only a mile and a half from my old apartment, we jumped one neighborhood east to Sunnyside. It would have been fun to explore a new area of town, but we were also content to stay in southeast Portland. Our new home is 1,200 square feet with two bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, an office and a back yard; I am torn between feelings of comfort in spreading out vs. the simplicity that accompanies minimalism.

Living with a significant other is a new experience for both Tom and I, so we are navigating the ups and downs together. So far, it has been wonderful to come home to my love instead of an empty apartment.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Before we even unpacked all of the boxes, a winter storm dumped 6+ inches of snow and ice on Portland. Unlike where I grew up on the East Coast, the city is not equipped with the resources to manage inclement weather, so much of the area was essentially snowed in. Roads were unsafe to drive, sidewalks were too slick to walk and thousands lost power due to fallen trees on power lines, weighed down by the ice. It was not safe to commute to work for several days, so Tom and I spent the snow days settling into the new place and making wintry cocktails. The highlight was being able to snowshoe to Mt. Tabor from our house!


According to native Portlanders, snow storms happen, to some degree, roughly once every other year. Contrast to my frustration, everyone seems to simply accept it and enjoy a few days off. I personally felt relieved when the temperature began to rise, slowly melting the snow away. Bring on the spring!