Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A Visit from Grammy

Portland experienced an unseasonably cool spring this year, with its wettest April in over 80 years. Ironically, the driest April on record occurred last year. The silver lining to the rainy days is that the precipitation makes everything bright and colorful. 


Tom and I have enjoyed watching the subtle changes in Louie's personality as he grows from kitten into cat. Despite developing a new shyness around strangers, we have begun socializing him with our neighbor's calico kitten, Weegee. It's been fun to set up play dates, and watch them become acquainted and play in a manner that only cats do.

My first Mother's Day as Mom to this little ham

Over Mother's Day weekend, Louie met "Grammy." As hoped, he and my mom became fast friends--so much so, that I had to check her suitcase for cats before she left! It was a low-key, but memorable visit that left Tom and I spoiled with homemade dinners and a stocked fridge.

Mom and I spent Saturday at the coast. We braved the elements and intermittent rain at the beach before grabbing lunch at quirky Cannon Beach Hardware and Public House (aka Screw and Brew). From there, we walked through the small beach town, popping into shops along the way. A visit to the Oregon Coast is not complete without picking up a supply of chocolate covered "sea foam," which we accomplished at family-owned Bruce's Candy Kitchen

On Sunday, we met Tom's family at Sidereus Winery in Cornelius. This beautiful new boutique winery offers a small number of delicately crafted wines that represent the best of what the vineyard can produce.

Feeling very grateful for a special visit from the very best mama!