Sunday, October 3, 2021

Cairn Basin

So the saying goes, rain in Portland means snow on the Mountain. Thus, Mt. Hood has once again become snowy. Fall in the northwest is unpredictable, so it's wise to take advantage of the beautiful days when they arrive. Kyle and I recently repeated the 42-mile Banks to Vernonia Trail on bike. I also paddled to the Willamette Narrows, a unique area of small islands and channels near West Linn; looking forward to spending more time here in the future.


Cairn Basin via Vista Ridge is a 7.6-mile lollipop loop (1,560' gain, 5,920' max) on the north side of Mt. Hood that visits three alpine parks: Eden Park, Cairn Basin, and Wy'East Basin. The scenery on this loop is some of the finest on the mountain, with lush wildflower displays in July and early August. Note that the trail contains several downed trees and two river crossings. This was my second attempt due to unfavorable weather conditions; still cloudy, but I enjoyed the early fall foliage and solitude of the area. 


Vista Ridge Trailhead is located two hours from Portland via Hood River or Lolo Pass. The trail gently climbs through burned snags from the 2011 Dollar Lake Fire for the first two miles. After a brief steep section, the Eden Park Trail drops in short switchbacks and passes several steep meadows with views that include Lost Lake nestled in the forests below. This section requires the first crossing of rushing Ladd Creek.

From Eden Park, the trail climbs a series of short switchbacks before reaching the Timberline Trail at four miles. Turning left enters Cairn Basin, with its stone shelter and mountain views. Then, it's the upper crossing of the glacial stream.

On a clear day

From Ladd Creek, the route traverses through more meadows and rounds Vista Ridge at a viewpoint that includes Mts. Hood, Adams, and Rainier, as well as farms in the Hood River Valley and the entire Vista Ridge route below. The Timberline Trail connects with the Vista Ridge Trail just west of Wy'East Basin at five miles. The primitive trail to Barrett Spur continues up from Wy'East Basin--potentially a future endeavor.

10:30am - 1:30pm on 9/22/21