Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas in Pittsburgh

It was back to Pittsburgh--and my roots--for Christmas. I couldn't believe that I hadn't been back in two years. What had changed? I kept hearing rumors that Pittsburgh had become the next "up and coming" city. Apparently the secret is out: the historical steel town is no longer a rust belt city, but rather a metropolis for healthcare and technology innovation. With low cost of living, an aging population raised on values and tradition, good sports teams, and a new mix of restaurants and breweries, it's no wonder why the next generation is flocking to southwestern PA. Needless to say, I was eager to experience my hometown with fresh eyes.

One of the highlights was voicing approval on my parent's new townhouse in the North Hills of Pittsburgh. In the matter of months, my superhuman mother had already turned the house into a home, and managed to decorate the space beautifully for the holidays. The warm and inviting space is the perfect size for my parents in this phase, and I feel content knowing that they are happy there.

It would be incomplete to describe the house without mentioning quirky Lucy and Phoebe, my sister's cats that are indefinitely on vacation at Grammy's.


One of my priorities of the trip was to visit friends. I felt fortunate to spend time with my pharmacy mentor, Shelley, my college friend, Kim, and grade school friends, Janell, Kelsey, Kayla, Katie and Jess.

One of my favorite nights took place in reinvented Lawrenceville. Over the past decade, this riverfront neighborhood northeast of downtown has gentrified into a trendy, hipster mecca.


My other priority that week was to visit with family, including my ninety-year old paternal grandmother. "Oma" is a tiny German woman that has led an intriguing life and played a key role in my childhood.

My family and that of my brother-in-law united for a night out on the town, beginning at PPG Place. The outdoor plaza was seasonally dressed with a large Christmas tree display encircled by an ice skating rink. Though chilly, we strolled through the holiday market in Market Square.


Inside, the Wintergarden displays the annual Spirits of Giving Around the World and Gingerbread House exhibits. Afterwards, we all gathered for dinner and German-style beers at Penn Brewery in the North Side.


Much of Christmas Eve took place in the kitchen. My talented mother is a marvelous chef, baker, and candy-maker. Her recipes have been passed down for generations and are founded on the Italian belief that more is better. Despite the traditions, I was touched by her enthusiasm to experiment with and embrace vegan additions to the usual spread.

After Christmas Eve Mass, we attended the annual holiday party hosted by my mother's side of the family. This loud and rowdy group of Italians never disappoints!


Christmas Day was low-key with family coming and going to share a gift exchange, delicious food and wine, and classic holidays movies.


Good company was easily the best part of my week in Pittsburgh; saying goodbye was not easy. As a passionate traveler, I call "home" to several places, including Spain, Argentina and Denver. However, Pittsburgh will always be my first and truest home. That being said, I am anxious to return home to Portland, which is where I belong right now.


Wishing you and your loved ones
a merry holiday season.