Roses bloom from late May through September, peaking in June. In honor of this, the City of Roses hosts the Portland Rose Festival every summer. Foresighted city leaders started the festival during the 20th century in order to put Portland on the map and brand it the "summer capital of the world." More than a hundred summers later, the Rose Festival has become famous for celebrating values of volunteerism, patriotism and environmentalism. Dozens of events spotlight the diverse interests and culture of the community, making a positive impact on hundreds of lives.
In the local food and drink scene, I recently visited organic, plant-based eatery, Blossoming Lotus, as well as high-end restaurant, Chart House, with its lovely view of the Willamette River. My brewery list hit #21 after a trip to one of Oregon's most fabled breweries, Widmer Brothers Brewing, in addition to Modern Times Beer, Lucky Labrador Brewing Company, and Ground Breaker Brewing.