Thursday, August 27, 2020

Sleeping Beauty Peak

Fall was already in the air by the end of August. The shorter, cooler days smelled like back to school. 


On Wednesday, Red and I drove 2 hours northeast past Trout Lake, WA. The 2.6-mile (1,400' gain) out-and-back trek to Sleeping Beauty Peak is short and sweet, but steep.

From the trailhead, the path gains nearly 1,400' in just 1.3 miles. Luckily, most of the climbing happens under a cool forest canopy of ancient Douglas fir and western hemlock. Eventually, the trail arrives at the bottom of the cliff bands, with a grand view of Mt. Adams--only 11 miles south of its base. 


From there, the path switchbacks up to the top of the rocky summit (4,900') with showy vistas of Mts. Adams, Rainier, St. Helens and Hood. 12pm-1:15pm RT. Date hiked: 8/26/20