Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Living Through a Pandemic

Given all of the challenges that 2020 continues to present, I often experience moments of heightened stress and anxiety. I am beginning to forget what life was like before lockdown, but in hindsight, it is clear that Portland is not the same city that I moved to only two years ago. Each of us have been forced outside of our comfort zones to reckon with the humility of how little is in our control. Now more than ever, it is easy to fall into despair about the outlook of our country and the world at large. 


Instead of succumbing to this mindset, I remind myself that this moment is temporary; nothing is permanent. During these trying times, I offer the following words of encouragement: strive for a healthy mind and body in order to stay grounded and optimistic about the future; lean on loved ones, and ask for help when needed; find something to be grateful for; be kind to yourself and others; take a deep breath; and remember to step back now and again to gain perspective.

Aside from practicing self care, it is equally important to seize this moment as an opportunity to fix broken societal systems. On that note, regardless of political beliefs, please get out and vote. We live in a democracy where every voice matters at both the local and federal level. As for the leader of our nation, my vote goes to a candidate that aims to unite rather than divide and isolate. I simply cannot vote for someone that does not care about humanity or the planet.