Saturday, May 6, 2023

Fun on the Farm

After an unseasonably cold and wet spring, Portland experienced a heat snap at the end of April; sunny in the high 80s. I bee lined to the river for my first paddle of the season.


That weekend, Tom and I spent a Saturday at Cadence Valley, outside of Salem. I met Dennis and Rachel five years ago when I participated in a WWOOF work exchange on their farm. This was my third visit since then.

We were greeted with a genuine sense of welcome and home-made vegan biscuits. The four of us spent the morning outside, preparing the farm for summer. We readied the gardens by weeding, turning over the soil, and planting seeds. I am always skeptical by the amount of work I accomplish, especially after eyeing Dennis's project board. Nevertheless, our work was appreciated when we stopped for lunch.

Before leaving, I visited with the farm animals, including Buddy the sheep. I was sad to hear that cat Marcel passed away, but Pinot is still happy and healthy. And they have a new kitten! No name yet, but likely to stick with a wine reference. I am very grateful that Tom joined to meet Dennis and Rachel. They are a very special and inspiring couple, who I hope to always remain in touch with.