Back in town, Sarah and I stopped in northeast Portland for lunch at The Bye and Bye, then for dessert at Back to Eden. It was fun to uncover and splurge on plant-based cuisine with a fellow vegan. Stomachs full, we stopped home for a power nap. That evening, we visited the vegan strip mall before meeting Tom and Kyle on southeast Hawthorne. We participated in Portland's Nacho Week at Next Level Burger, and got drinks at The Ranger Station and Mcmenamins Bagdad's Back Stage Bar.
Sarah and I spent Saturday on the westside of town. We caught a bus to the Saturday Market and Powell's Books. Our bellies were filled again at Sizzle Pie. The afternoon began to clear up as we walked around northwest Portland. That evening, we met my friend Jess at the Sweet Hereafter.
Later that week was my co-worker Brittany's baby shower. I met the ladies after work at Nina's house for a beautiful spread of vegetarian fare, gifts and games. It was great to spend time with the crew outside of the hospital!